What I Wore | A Cold 2014

Oh look, my first What I Wore post of 2014! I was really hoping for a snowy background, but no such luck. It's been very cold here lately, but any snow we get seems to melt away within a few days (I'm not complaining!!) but it would have been nice to have some snow for a backdrop, you know?Kyla Is Inspired | A Cold 2014Kyla Is Inspired | A Cold 2014Kyla Is Inspired | A Cold 2014

sweater | similar skirt | boots | similar scarf
This is actually one of my favorite outfits to wear, both to work and just for fun. This sweater was a Christmas gift, and I've been wearing it at least once a week ever since. My mom knit this amazing scarf for me, and it's the warmest, coziest scarf I've ever worn. Definitely necessary for a cold winter day!I have some exciting posts planned for the next month, and I can't wait to share them with you!If it's cold where you are, how are you keeping warm?


What I Wore | Joules Dresses Part 1


Illustration: Bioshock Infinite Vigors