What I Wore | Portal Style

Oh hi, it's been a while? I took an unexpected hiatus, which turned out to be longer than it probably should have. I've taken the time to re-focus my energy and determine where I'd like this blog to go. It started as a place to house my doodles, somehow morphed into a fashion blog, then a lifestyle blog, then dipped its toes into the geek culture scene and now I'd like to position it to be a bit of all.I may start posting things that differentiate from my norm until I find my aesthetic and voice again, but I do have some posts queued up that I can't wait to share.Kyla Is Inspired | Portal StyleI bought this awesome Companion Cube shirt and have been wearing it non-stop. Bonus points if you know what this is from! So far, only a cashier at Target has guessed :> This has already become my favorite geeky clothing item I own!Kyla Is Inspired | Portal StyleKyla Is Inspired | Portal StyleKyla Is Inspired | Portal StyleHow has everyone been?Do you have any "nerdy favorites" in your wardrobe?


Cosplay | Late But Lucky Alice


Update & Illustration