Geeky Cocktail | FREEZE!

Ok, who else has been playing Overwatch? It's been such an addicting game! I haven't been playing as much as I'd like but it's a fun game to play together with friends.In honor of one of the most adorable characters to play, here's a Mei-themed cocktail: FREEZE!

You will need (for 1 cocktail):

  • 8 blueberries

  • 1 oz fresh lime juice

  • 2 tsp sugar

  • 8 mint leaves

  • 2 oz white rum

  • 1 cup ice

  • 1 oz club soda


  • Stick 2 glasses in the freezer beforehand to get them frosty

  • Muddle together the mint, sugar, and half the blueberries in a shaker

  • Add in the lime juice and rum, and shake

  • Pour into glasses and top with club soda

  • Drop in the other half of the blueberries and a mint sprig for garnish

  • Enjoy!

Kyla Is Inspired | FREEZE! Cocktail

Kyla Is Inspired | FREEZE! Cocktail

Kyla Is Inspired | FREEZE! Cocktail


What I Wore | Nerf This!


Cosplay | Marine Nozomi