Penelope 2017

With 2017 comes new art goals for me! Over the past few years I sort of stopped drawing as much in favor of blogging, then later, cosplay. I’m now trying to find a balance of the 3 hobbies…easier said than done though, huh?I’ve shared my original character Penelope before (here & here) so I wanted to share a few more.Kyla Is Inspired | Penelope the Pin-Up Space CadetKyla Is Inspired | Penelope the Pin-Up Space CadetKyla Is Inspired | Penelope the Pin-Up Space CadetI like using Penelope as an exercise to try out different styles; the top is vector (my typical style) and the bottom was drawn on Procreate.Do you have an original character you’ve created? I’d love to see if you do!




Cosplay | Tennis Rosalina