Eco Point Mei Cosplay Work Log | Part II - Boots

I'm back with part 2 of Mei's cosplay breakdown! This time I'll be sharing her boot process. Part I covers her jacket if you want to check that out!Kyla Is Inspired | Ecopoint Mei Cosplay Work LogKyla Is Insipred | Mei Boots TutorialSUPPLIES:

  • 4 sheets EVA Foam - 1/2" thickness
  • 1 large roll of thin foam (can be found at Michael's
  • 2 yards of blue spandex
  • 1/4 yard of red spandex
  • Leftover fur from Mei's jacket
  • Worbla
  • Yellow and silver acrylic paint
  • Silver buttons

Honestly, the boots were the last project I started, but the first to finish! I was the most terrified of making these, but I'm very happy with how they turned out. My biggest concern was that I needed to be able to wear my comfortable Clark's shoes (I've fractured my foot twice over 3 years, so supportive footwear only!) and slip into the boots, so the structure was going to be key.The main structure is all EVA foam - we bought a pack on Amazon for $20. Sam really helped with this part :) The bottom base is just an oval, traced over my shoe so there is about 2-3 extra inches of surface area around the sole. It has little raised pieces of foam on the toe and heel where I need to slip my foot in, so when I walk I'm not kicking around in the boot. It's nice and snug so the shoe doesn't have any wiggle room. We made a "cage" over the toe of the foot to create the large rounded look of the toes.Kyla Is Insipred | Mei Boots TutorialKyla Is Insipred | Mei Boots TutorialThe back portion of the boot is the thick EVA Foam, but the entire boot is wrapped with a large sheet of thin craft foam (look for a roll like this). Everything is glued together with hot glue. To cover the toe of the boot, I cut a diamond notch out of the front so it could form around the round end.Then came the most tedious part of the project, which is covering the boots. I had this great blue spandex fabric, but I didn't want to just wrap it around the boot - I wanted it to be smooth. So, I ended up covering pieces of foam and sewing the spandex on top. Then I could wrap and glue the foam to the boots. The fabric/foam pieces were layered over a strip of fur, and I added silver buttons for accents.Kyla Is Insipred | Mei Boots TutorialThe silver back piece of the boot is 1/4" foam that was painted silver and glued to the fabric parts. The last bit of detailing I did was the bottom yellow - it's worbla that I shaped over pieces of foam, so the bottom of the boots wouldn't bend at all during the stress of wear. I painted it all yellow with acrylic paints. Then I just glued the fur to the top of the boots.Kyla Is Insipred | Mei Boots TutorialAnd voila! I'm extremely proud of these boots; it's one of the strangest projects I've worked on and they came out great. While I am able to slip my foot into the boot, they're impossible to wear for more than a few yards - they're clunky and very hot! So I ended up carrying them most of the con and slipping into them for photos :)Hopefully this tutorial was helpful!Kyla Is Insipred | Mei Boots Tutorial


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