What I Wore | 32
Kyla Is Inspired | 32.
Well, today is my birthday and I'm 32! :)This past year has been...something. 2020 passed in a blur and when 2021 hit I decided to make some changes - and I'm rolling into this new year feeling strong, healthy, and confident!
Kyla Is Inspired | 32.
Shirt: boyacouture on redbubble
Kyla Is Inspired | 32.
Skirt: Torrid
Shoes: Clarks
Apple Pin: Joanna Behar
I'm rocking my MCRN (Mars Congressional Republic Navy) shirt representing my new love of The Expanse - is anyone else a fan?? I've watched the entire series twice and am going to read the books next :)I can't wait to see what this new year brings!
Kyla Is Inspired | 32.